Chamber 401(k) Plan

Plan for your Future

Saving Together

The Vegas Chamber 401K Plan

• Group Pricing
• Less Liability and Less Work
• Custom Plan Design
• Bundled Administration
• Investment Monitoring
• Participant Education Center

New Employee Retirement Savings Program Requirement
The 2023 Nevada Legislature passed SB 305 mandating that most employers automatically
enroll all employees in the new Nevada Employees Savings Trust offered by the State of
Nevada or in a similar retirement savings program by July 1, 2025. The Vegas Chamber 401K
is an option available to employers to meet this new requirement.

The plan is managed and administrated by Caldera Wealth Management, a long-time Chamber member. It specializes in creating tailored strategies that address complex wealth management issues or business obstacles and is known for its excellent customer service.

Caldera Wealth Management is now taking applications for the plan. Take the opportunity to learn about the ARP and ask questions about how the plan will help your business and employees by contacting us at 702.846.401k (4015).

How It Works

Join a pre-negotiated group plan customized specifically for the Vegas Chamber members.

The Benefits

Our group retire program offers benefits for employers and employees.

Cost Efficient

Over twenty-two pain points are proactively taken care of for you. Less work for you and more time to focus on your business.