New brand, logo reflect vibrancy of Vegas, next era of community

Today, the Las Vegas Metro Chamber announced it is changing the name of the organization to the Vegas Chamber. The brand change is the result of more than a year of research, market analysis, and strategic planning to develop its new name and culture.

“As Vegas transforms, it is essential that the Vegas Chamber stays ahead of the game and evolves along with it. The Chamber has been around since 1911. It has a distinguished history that has helped this community grow for almost 110 years. That legacy lives on, and so does the core of the Vegas Chamber – cultivating growth and prosperity,” said Mary Beth Sewald, president and CEO of the Vegas Chamber.

The Chamber worked with R&R Partners, a national leader in marketing and brand strategy, to develop its new core values and essence that led to its purpose. The Chamber conducted interviews with members, non-members, community leaders, elected officials, and other key stakeholders to gain insight into the needs of the business community, as well as Southern Nevada as a whole. This research also reinforced the invaluable role the Chamber plays in Nevada, particularly in advocating for the needs of businesses and the region at all levels of government.

The Vegas Chamber heard from businesses of all sizes about how they rely upon the Chamber for a variety of resources, such as its new association 401(k) plan.

“The Vegas brand goes beyond geography – it’s a global force that gives us the unique and compelling ability to be bold, vibrant and fearless, and that’s exactly what the new Vegas Chamber represents,”
said Billy Vassiliadis, chief executive officer of R&R Partners.

The Vegas Chamber utilized local businesses to develop its brand including Pink Kitty Creative, which designed the new logo, and Frequency Pictures, which animated the new logo and produced the Vegas Chamber’s new video.

The Vegas Chamber will formally unveil its brand at Preview Las Vegas on Friday, January 17, at Wynn Las Vegas. It is changing its website to Additionally, it is transitioning its social media handles to Vegas Chamber.
