During the Legislative Session, Vegas Chamber will once again offer several important communication tools for members to stay informed and be engaged in the legislative process.
CHECK YOUR INBOX. Each Friday, “The Rundown” will give the latest breakdown of which bills the Vegas Chamber has been engaged with during the week at the legislature, how we testified, and how you can support the Chamber in its efforts.
BECOME A CHAMBER ADVOCATE. Get engaged with the Chamber Advocate program. Becoming a Chamber Advocate helps the Vegas Chamber tell your story. We want to make sure that legislators know exactly who will be affected by their decisions, and your input is essential to this process. Help the Vegas Chamber advocate more effectively on your behalf, as we keep you informed and make sure your voice as Nevada’s job creators is heard loud and clear!
The Vegas Chamber will walk you through the process of writing and calling legislators, as well as provide you with talking points if you want to post to social media or even testify on bills during legislative committee meetings. We will make it easy for you to get involved as we are here to advocate on your behalf. Your stories make the costs and benefits of proposed legislation real to legislators, so help us make Southern Nevada the best place to do business. For more information about the Chamber Advocate program, please contact Dylan Keith at 702. 702.833.0081.
THE CARSON CITY CALL, a monthly webinar with Vegas Chamber’s government affairs team, gives you insights and information live from the legislature. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and engage with staff. The call will take place the first Tuesday of every month at 11 a.m. during the legislative session. For more information about the call, please contact Dylan Keith at 702.833.0081.
ENGAGE IN THE PAUL CALL. For President’s Club and Advocacy members, the Paul Call is a biweekly conference call with Paul Moradkhan, the Vegas Chamber’s senior vice president of Government Affairs. Paul will discuss the issues important to you and your business. Hear the latest about what is happening in Carson City that could impact you. For more information about the call, please contact Dylan Keith at 702.833.0081.
ANSWER THE CALLS TO ACTION. Be on the lookout for specific calls to action via Carson City Alerts. The Vegas Chamber will alert you, as a member, when a bill of particular importance to the business community will be heard. Please take the time to contact your legislators and let them know the impact a bill will have on your business, and that you stand with the Vegas Chamber and the business community. Alert your employees as well.
ENGAGE ON SOCIAL MEDIA. The Vegas Chamber will post regularly about what is happening up at the legislature, so be sure to follow the Vegas Chamber on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to see the latest. Retweet the Chamber messages and consider posting your own social media posts and tagging the Chamber (@VegasChamber). 
CONTRIBUTE TO BIZPAC, the Vegas Chamber’s bipartisan political action committee. Hundreds of members, as well as Vegas Chamber staff, support this PAC to ensure the business community’s interests remain in front of our elected officials. Contributions help elect pro-prosperity candidates and ensure a business-friendly operating environment in Nevada. For more information on donating, visit VegasChamber.com/bizpac or contact Erica Valdriz at 702.245.8465.
CONTACT THE VEGAS CHAMBER’S GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS TEAM. The Vegas Chamber employs the largest government affairs professional staff for a Chamber in Nevada. The Chamber also works with Jim Wadhams and Jesse Wadhams with Black & Wadhams, who are regarded for their extensive legal expertise, knowledge of policy policies and state legislative process. This team is dedicated to ensuring that state legislators hear from Nevada’s employers and employees. Contact them with any questions that you have may for the legislative session.
Paul Moradkhan
Senior Vice President of Government Affairs
Cell: 702.810.9124
David Dazlich
Director of Government Affairs
Cell: 702.205.7232
Erica Valdriz
Government Affairs Fundraising Coordinator
Cell: 702.245.8465
Dylan Keith
Government Affairs Analyst
Cell: 702.833.0081