Today, the Vegas Chamber, the state’s largest and broadest-based business organization, filed a lawsuit in Nevada’s First Judicial District Court in Carson City against the initiative petition that would add 1.5% in Local School Support Tax in every county in Nevada.
“Transparency is an essential element to enact sound policies for the future of our state. Unfortunately, this initiative petition fails to disclose to voters the full story – that it would raise Clark County’s sales tax rate to one of the highest in the country. The petition does not make clear that it will raise costs for Nevada families on everyday goods such as clothing, shoes, and school supplies, nor does it inform voters that it will have a chilling effect on retail spending by visitors to our region. This petition is reckless tax policy and does not enlighten voters of the significant burden it will place on Nevada families and the damage it will have on our economy.
“The Vegas Chamber believes that the Legislature, not the ballot box, is the best place to enact sound tax policy because it allows for open conversation with a wide range of stakeholders to fully consider impacts and consequences. The Vegas Chamber remains committed to working with Governor Sisolak and the Nevada Legislature to address state funding levels for K-12 education in a thoughtful and deliberative manner with all interested parties at the table.”